Archive for May 6th, 2009




Epic announced that GOW 2 has achieved an amazing 5 million sales worldwide, meaning that the entire Gears of war franchise has now achieved over 11million sales. To celebrate this momentous achievement Epic announced some extra game content for their successful franchise.

As well as this Epic announced that they will be releasing a special edition of the game that will include all downloadable content to date. This special edition game is being called “All fronts collection” I don’t know why but it is. Included in this special edition game is a game add on called “dark corners”, which will also be available on Xbox marketplace for 1600 MS points, this add on will include seven new multiplayer maps and an added campaign chapter. The chapter is called “Road to Ruin” apparently Epic are big on labeling things, this new chapter was deleted from GOW 2 before release but now Epic are looking to celebrate their throwing it in there. I’ll bet the chance to make money without extra work never even entered their minds.



The Ghostbusters game, a game already appearing in hundreds of news articles with praises and bad news alike has been buzzing for ages. A short while ago I wrote an update mentioning how Atari had announced the game was set for release. Well that’s still going to happen but now the game developers Atari have agreed a deal with Sony, to allow them to help develop and release the game on 19th of June.

However this means that for now Ghostbusters is a PS3 exclusive game. Atari have maintained the right to publish the game to other consoles at a later date but whether or not they will is yet to be seen. For now Xbox owners will just have to keep dreaming about Ghost busting is actually like, as well as thinking up new names for their proton packs …mine was going to be Sheila.



Wolverine: origins has stunned gamers and actually broken the curse of the movie release game, not only that but it beat of the rest of it’s competition and claimed second place in the game chart. It came second to wii fit, which makes sense as everyone wants to get fit but not leave there house you can’t fault Nintendo’s genius there.

The game has even been referred to by one fan boy as “the first movie license game to be better than the movie.”  it seems that no matter what you do with a character like Wolverine it’s set for gold.



Capcom have announced that although they are releasing marvel vs.. Capcom 2 on Xbla they have no intentions to release a 3rd. Capcom have said one of the major reasons is trying to negotiate the license as the Marvel title and it’s associated parties has been put about recently.

By releasing the old Xbox game on arcade they hope to ignite gamers excitement for the game and maybe gain some momentum for a possible 3rd. As it stands right now however there doesn’t seem to be any plans for a 3rd, the fate of the game does truly rest in the hands of its gamers.

Capcom have announced however they were thinking about releasing the game with an themed joystick due to the success of the Madcatz street fighter IV sticks, so at least something will come of this.



A game legend was feared dead today as the developer of Duke Nukem Forever, 3D Realms, was shut down. The reason being funds, a common problem especially in today’s financial climate, which leaves Duke without a developer.

3D had been in cahoots with Take-Two but they have said this was purely a publishing arrangement and so they were unable to help fund the project. Duke Nukem Forever was supposedly far enough along development to release game play footage and Take-Two have said they retain the publishing rights. The real question is will Duke Nukem be made or will it fall into oblivion like so many other games.


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