Posts Tagged ‘chest


Tales of a junkyard Jedi

So for those of you paying attention I’m trying to reclaim my sweet little gamer score. I mentioned last time that I was playing through on the easy as pie game star wars the force unleashed. Thankfully I finally took down the fetish freak Vader and his pervy old master err… the master.
Well anyway thanks to an amazingly fun glitch my achievement at the end was actually just for playing on apprentice? I’m not sure how it happened because even if I started on apprentice I still changed the difficulty later to really freaking hard but hey who cares. Just means now I get the fun of playing the game again on super hard difficulty ….yay. Any who as I progress on this stress filled game of "OH MY GOD YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!" moments I have now arrived at Paratus.

This ugly ass freak is actually a lot harder than his termite body would suggest. The annoying thing is he’s another damn bad guy that knows I’m whoring out for achievements and he’s been dangling my hopes in front of me before smashing them with one of his many many arms. I got close a couple of times and it’s frustrated me to the point my heart almost burst out my chest screaming to beat him.

I know some of the secrets to get this punk beat down now so I’ll have to try again later. I’m so tired right now and I think my thumbs are blistering, I can’t cry anymore so I’ll definitely need a rest before trying it again.

Wish me luck folks!


Quick news!


Army of Two: 40th day had been announced a while back. An unexpected, and to some an unwanted, sequel to the original game. The good folks down at E.A were kind enough to write out an info sheet for the game talking about some of the things to expect and here’s what it said

Army of Two: The 40th Day features a bigger playbook of new co-op moves that either player can use at any time, opening up new strategies and countless choices for both players. The result is a bigger, better, more organic and immersive co-op experience that lets gamers put their best two-man tactics to use whenever and wherever they want.”

A pretty impressive promise from E.A. and something they’re backing up with an impressive, in game footage, trailer of the game.



Sad news was announced by Eidos interactive as they confirmed the rumors that Batman Arkham Asylum has been delayed. Although they never announced a definite date of release they had said the game was slated for release in the summer of 2009. Eidos have now announced however that the game isn’t set for release until the end of summer 09. Thanks again to xboxmattyb89 for tipping me off about this unfortunate piece of news.

The people involved in the games production said this time was going to be used to best improve the game so that it’s “at the highest quality for gamers.” As one of the fan boys anxious to get my hands on this game I sure hope this is true and they’re not stalling because the games looking sketchy.



Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is one of the most anticipated games to be announced, after the roaring success of the first game, selling over 12 million copies to date and winning multiple awards, this is one title everyone is happy to have announced. Infinity ward were even so kind as to announce a solid release date which I’m sure you all noticed at the top of this news bit.

I haven’t gotten concrete info on this baby yet and considering how far the release is I think any information at this time would be susceptible to change anyway, so I’ll wait until I get the correct details. Until then indulge yourselves with this interesting all be it uninformative teaser that’s driving gamers everywhere crazy.


One of the best looking games to be announced by Ubisoft, think I am legend but with no monsters and that’s what you have here. Unfortunately little else has been said about the game after the initial release information and interest. All Ubisoft have mentioned is that the game is a post apocalyptic game featuring a hero called Adam. The other aspects of the game such as story line, game play and features haven’t been confirmed, Ubisoft appear to be keeping their hand close to their chest on this one. The website is live but it doesn’t offer any more information other than a graphic wallpaper and trailer. The game was announced at last years E3 but nothing more has been said about it and with this years E3 quickly coming in it makes one wonder exactly what Ubisoft is doing about this game.

The trailer itself does open up some questions and gives an idea into what the game is about. The trailer starts by our hero, Adam, attempting to escape pursuers just to protect a bottle of water. amazingly enough the trailer shows the world in a wreckage and says it all appears to have happened in just 6 DAYS! That alone should wet your appetites at least your curiosity, find out for yourself check out the trailer below it’s looking good.



Christmas is going to be a merry one this year, as well as multiple other games being announced around this time the new splinter cell is announced. The fifth installment of the franchise seems to tie in close with the rest of the games.

This game sees you running from the government you once served in an attempt to get to the truth of who wants you dead. In order to survive you’ll need the usual stealth practices of the other games and the ability to build an underground base of allies.1179936598

These allies will help you get your hands on the cool gadgets everyone has come to love about the splinter cell games. As well as stealthy sneaking around the game includes what at first glances appears to be a pretty cool hand to hand combat system. 



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